Kemper Profiles For the Modern Worship Guitarist

Gone are the days of having to lug around amps everywhere you go. As much as I LOVE amps personally, I can’t justify bringing one to a gig or a church service anymore. Things like the Kemper, Quad Cortex, and other modeler pedals have changed the game for the the traveling musician. Plus, you never need to change a single tube out on a Kemper. Today we’re happy to announce that our two favorite Kemper profiles are now for sale on our online store.

AC30 Handwired (Top Boost) Profile Pack

These profiles were crafted with only the amp itself in mind, so any effects attached to the profiles were just used to test the profiles out. The way that I use these profiles doesn’t require me to use any onboard effects. The AC30 Handwired (Top Boost) Profile Pack has SIX different gain stages. If you’re a “pedals in front of the Kemper” guy like myself, you’ll likely stick to the first two profiles. If you use the Kemper Stage, you’ll want to use the different gain stages as your “drives”.

Fargen Blackbird 40 Profile Pack

Slightly less profiles are included with this amp. We found that sticking to THREE profiles was the sweet spot when profiling this amp. Like the above mentioned profile pack, you’ll more than likely stick to the cleanest profile if your using pedals in front of the Kemper. If you’re using a Kemper Stage, just make sure you use all three profiles as drive stages to get the full effect of these profiles.

Designed to Work Together

These two profiles work great together if you’re in a situation where two Kemper units are a capability. Running a stereo pedalboard into both of these profiles gives us that “Bethel Music” guitar tone that we all know and love.

\\ Sound Samples Coming Soon //

Zakk Miller

Zakk Shane Miller is the owner and lead project manager for HoneySonic Production Co, former wedding photographer, and guitar player.

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