Why Churches Shouldn’t “Do it Yourself”

Why is "doing it yourself" not a great idea?

To some degree, there's merit in doing it yourself. However, when you hire a company to design, install, and train your churches new A/V system, there's added benefits to that. On the flip side, I do respect the mindset of handling money properly for the church. Just know that it may cost you more in the end game. So what are the benefits of hiring an integrator?


With the use of specialized programs, we can get super accurate results that ensure that you make your choices in gear and installation on science rather than a shot in the dark. Through the use of this super expensive software, we’re able to take things to the next level. Not only is the software not something you would want to buy for yourself, it’s a pain in the rear quarters to learn.


Aside from training, which is important as well, an AV integrator is going to have a good deal of experience that will make your product all that better. Our technicians are in the trenches each week, serving in their local church and are leaders in their own right.


When you hire an AV integrator rather than doing it yourself, you get the assurance in knowing that were using a standardized workflow for each piece of equipment that we install. With that being said, we can help you troubleshoot that much easier, because we have the methods of installation down to a certain "method".

Team Stress:

Putting a huge installation on your team can cause a good deal of stress. Since this isn't what your team does full-time, you can always run into a situation where your stuck troubleshooting something for hours that would otherwise be a very simple fix.


By purchasing through (an honest) AV integrator, you can rest assured that we're not going to selling you too much or two little equipment for your churches needs. We don't hike up the prices astronomically. Too many churches left to their own devices end up over (or under) purchasing equipment, not using it, and eventually buying more equipment to compensate. Purchasing the right way from the beginning will ensure you're not in an endless loop of gear purchases.

Zakk Miller

Zakk Shane Miller is the owner and lead project manager for HoneySonic Production Co, former wedding photographer, and guitar player.


Kemper Profiles For the Modern Worship Guitarist


Audio & Lighting Integration, New Heights Bentonville