About HoneySonic
My name is Zakk Miller. I have served in churches from the age of 12, which means that puts me at about 20 years of experience in this field of ministry and work.
I founded this company from a place of frustration. For years I’ve watched Audio/Visual/Lighting companies take advantage of churches by overselling them. Selling them products that don’t fit the culture or skill set of their church. The skill set issues could be resolved if only the proper training was involved. So can you see where I’m coming from? It’s not everyone, it’s just the few that drive me crazy.
My vision for HoneySonic Production company is to design, install, and train technical systems for churches without price gouging in the process.
We are a for-profit company and have employees to take care of and a company to run. Rest assured though, our clients are the top priority. I understand the aggravation of technicians leaving the job and not making sure the team was equipped properly.
We are based in Dickson, Tennessee but are available for travel across the entire stretch of the U.S.
-Zakk Shane Miller, Founder & Lead Installer