Cheap Lights Are A Bad Investment For Churches

Everybody wants to save a buck, and honestly there’s nothing wrong with that. HoneySonic was actually founded because I was watching churches completely over pay for gear that they didn’t need, nor did they have the volunteer-base to operate. I’m right in the middle of the money mindset with equipment. What I mean by this is that I think that cheap gear is an absolute disastrous investment. It creates bad habits, it breaks down, gets noisy, and creates a multitude of other problems during service. I also don’t agree with churches that run 350 people going out and buying the latest Martin lighting fixtures or the newest DigiCo sound console. It’s a bad investment. I also agree with the mindset of purchasing the best that you can afford and justify. So if you’re a huge church that has the man-power and budget, get what you feel is best. Just keep in mind that you should buy what you need, what your team can handle, and what you can afford.

Now that my repetitious intro is over, here’s four reasons why cheap lights are a bad investment for churches.

And before you ask, YES, this DOES apply to the major brands like ADJ and Chauvet as well. Everyone has a low-quality line of units despite making great units too.

1: The Break Down

Nothing is worse than having a loose DMX port or faulty motor in a light. Cheap lights sound like a great investment at first, but as time goes on, they collect dust and get used from week to week, things can happen.

2: They Aren’t Bright

Some lights look bright at first and quickly lose their brightness over time. Some just aren’t bright enough to begin with. This is particularly important when dealing with your key lighting. So yeah, bad investment.

3: Mix-Match Colors

I’ve had some experience with cheap LED fixtures that literally had every parameter the exact same. Somehow though, those lights could not match each other. Same exact fixtures, just cheap components. We’re not talking about a slight difference either.

4: The Fixture Profiles May Not Even Exist

This only applies to the strange lights you may find on Amazon and beyond. Most major companies like ADJ and Chauvet will have profiles available on all lighting control platforms of their units.

Cheap Lights are a BAD Investment For Churches

Sometimes the budget doesn’t allow for you to go the route that you want to with lighting, and that’s ok. However, if it’s to the point that you can’t get the lights you NEED, I strongly suggest waiting. Be a good steward of the churches finances by doing your part to use wisdom when making a major purchase for your lighting department.

Schedule Your Site Visit Today

At HoneySonic, as mentioned before, we do our best to make sure you get the lighting fixtures that you NEED not the ones that are the most expensive, or the ones that impress you by fronting a small-bill. We’re firm believers in making sure that the church investment into equipment is handled with caution and wisdom. We do 3D renderings to show you exactly what our plan is as opposed to giving you an invoice with a ton of jargon that your Pastor or CFO doesn’t understand. Click here to schedule your visit today.

Zakk Miller

Zakk Shane Miller is the owner and lead project manager for HoneySonic Production Co, former wedding photographer, and guitar player.

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